10 Jul Port city development Kuantan – Malaysia

ECER from Malaysia, has been mandated by the Government of Malaysia to facilitate the preparation of a Masterplan for Kuantan Mega City Project.
The project consists of a phased development of the existing Kuantan Port into a deep water port comprising quay wall for containers, liquid & bulk berth, accompanying berth pockets, turning basins, all protected by a breakwater and includes the approach channel to open sea.
Services provided by MHC are:
- Berths and capacity calculations;
- Layout development of basins;
- Study on the nautical aspects of various layouts of the approach channel, taking into account the required capital and maintenance dredging cost and breakwater construction cost;
- Calculation of investment and operational costs;
- Basic design of the civil, mechanical and electrical/control installations
Ecer (Via RMG Consultant)
Port of Kuantan Malaysia