02 Apr » Development of Port Masterplan Barranquilla
The objective of the port masterplan study for the Port of Barranquilla is to identify the institutional, economic and technical conditions as required by the maritime and transport markets to develop the port of Barranquilla into a major port, ready for the next decades. At this moment the port mainly serves the local market around the city, while it has a major asset in hands to become the hub for Colombia or South America. This asset is the river Magdalena, which runs along the city and port to the Atlantic Ocean. In order to grow and become a major port player in Colombia, the port needs a strong organisation and a strategic view for the short- and long-term development of the port.
Services provided by MHC are:
- Analysis of the present port layout and operations.
- Analysis of the current cargo throughput and development of a cargo forecast.
- Development of a zoning and restructuring plan for the port.
- Making strategy recommendations to the Client.
- Performing a supply and demand analysis.
- Development of a Port Masterplan.
- Setting up functional requirements.
- Institutional reform recommendations.
- Performing a financial analysis.