10 Apr Grain terminal Feasibility Study – Bulgaria

Grain Terminal Feasibility Study – Bulgaria
The grain terminal feasibility study comprises a 60.000 ton storage facility for grains with high capacity train and truck intake stations and travelling ship loader, designed for 1 million ton of various grains of which about 80% is to be exported in a 5 month peak period.
The silos will be loaded by train/truck from hinterland storage facilities a few days before vessel arrival. The material handling system is designed for simultaneous ship loading from storage silos and train/trucks, resulting in a total vessel loading capacity of 12,500 ton per day.
The grain terminal is equipped with automatic weighing and sampling facilities for the incoming cargo flow. The total flow loaded into the sea-going vessel will be measured using a batch weighing scale.
Services provided by MHC are:
- Preparation of Functional Requirements.
- Conceptual Design of grain storage facilities, belt conveyor systems, shiploader.
- Conceptual Design of mooring and berthing facilities.
- Preparation of capital expenditures estimate.